The second GlycoNoVi workshop was organised between the 3rd and the 6th of June in the wonderful city of Ghent, Belgium. As before, candidates partook in an extensive and valuable selection of courses provided by the PIs of the project. Along with training, candidates also presented their first results. That was a great opportunity, not only to share the progress so far, but also to foster discussion and new ideas between the DCs and the PIs.
We also welcomed the project officer of the project of the European Union, Helena Magliarelli, with whom key points of the project has been discussed.
The training sessions for the DCs were within the topic of Engineering of micro-organisms for synthesis of Carbohydrates by Rob Field form University of Manchester and Tom Verhaeghe von Inbiose. Together with a great lecture on the topic of fluorinated carbohydrates from Cristina Nativi from the University of Florence. In addition to the lectures, we visited the Bio Base Europe pilot plant

Members of the consortium visited the facility of Bio Base Europe pilot plant, a unique complex focusing on the production, process development and scale-up of biomatter, in a reliable, sustainable way. The facility is co-operating with a multitude of start-ups and established companies, bringing renewable technologies into the market. The visit was not only interesting, but highly inspirational for not only the candidates, but all of the participants as well.
This concludes the second workshop of the GlycoNoVi project, the next meeting will be held in Sevilla, in late January